Civil Engineering Optional Syllabus


Table of Contents

Paper I

1. Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, and Structural Analysis

1.1 Engineering Mechanics:

  • Units and Dimensions: SI Units, Vectors.
  • Concepts: Force, Particle and Rigid Body, Concurrent, Non-Concurrent, and Parallel Forces in a Plane.
  • Moment of Force: Free Body Diagram, Conditions of Equilibrium.
  • Principle of Virtual Work: Equivalent Force System.
  • First and Second Moment of Area: Mass Moment of Inertia, Static Friction.

Kinematics and Kinetics:

  • Kinematics: Cartesian Coordinates, Motion Under Uniform and Non-Uniform Acceleration, Motion Under Gravity.
  • Kinetics of Particle: Momentum and Energy Principles, Collision of Elastic Bodies, Rotation of Rigid Bodies.

1.2 Strength of Materials:

  • Stress and Strain: Simple Stress and Strain, Elastic Constants, Axially Loaded Compression Members.
  • Shear Force and Bending Moment: Theory of Simple Bending, Shear Stress Distribution Across Cross Sections, Beams of Uniform Strength.
  • Deflection of Beams: Methods include Macaulay’s Method, Mohr’s Moment Area Method, Conjugate Beam Method, and Unit Load Method.
  • Torsion of Shafts: Elastic Stability of Columns, Euler’s, Rankine’s, and Secant Formulae.

1.3 Structural Analysis:

  • Castigliano’s Theorems: Theorems I and II, Unit Load Method, Consistent Deformation Applied to Beams and Pin-Jointed Trusses.
  • Slope-Deflection, Moment Distribution: Rolling Loads and Influence Lines for Shear Force and Bending Moment.
  • Arches: Three-Hinged, Two-Hinged, and Fixed Arches, Rib Shortening and Temperature Effects.
  • Matrix Methods of Analysis: Force Method, Displacement Method for Indeterminate Beams and Rigid Frames.
  • Plastic Analysis of Beams and Frames: Theory of Plastic Bending, Plastic Analysis, Statical Method, Mechanism Method.
  • Unsymmetrical Bending: Moment of Inertia, Product of Inertia, Position of Neutral Axis and Principal Axes, Bending Stresses Calculation.

2. Design of Structures: Steel, Concrete, and Masonry Structures

2.1 Structural Steel Design:

  • Structural Steel: Factors of Safety, Load Factors, Riveted, Bolted, and Welded Joints and Connections.
  • Design of Members: Tension and Compression Members, Beams of Built-up Sections, Riveted and Welded Plate Girders, Gantry Girders, Stancheons with Battens and Lacings.

2.2 Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures:

  • Concept of Mix Design: Reinforced Concrete Design using Working Stress and Limit State Method (as per I.S. Codes).
  • Design of Concrete Structures: Design of One-Way and Two-Way Slabs, Staircase Slabs, Simple and Continuous Beams of Rectangular, T, and L Sections.
  • Compression Members: Under Direct Load with or Without Eccentricity, Cantilever and Counterfort Type Retaining Walls.
  • Water Tanks: Design Requirements for Rectangular and Circular Tanks Resting on Ground.
  • Prestressed Concrete: Methods and Systems of Prestressing, Anchorages, Analysis and Design of Sections for Flexure (based on Working Stress), Loss of Prestress.
  • Design of Brick Masonry: As per I.S. Codes.

3. Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, and Hydraulic Machines

3.1 Fluid Mechanics:

  • Fluid Properties: Role in Fluid Motion, Fluid Statics including Forces Acting on Plane and Curved Surfaces.
  • Kinematics and Dynamics of Fluid Flow: Velocity and Accelerations, Streamlines, Equation of Continuity, Irrotational and Rotational Flow, Velocity Potential, and Stream Functions.
  • Equations: Continuity, Momentum, Energy Equations, Navier-Stokes Equation, Euler’s Equation of Motion, Applications to Fluid Flow Problems, Pipe Flow, Sluice Gates, Weirs.

3.2 Dimensional Analysis and Similitude:

  • Buckingham’s Pi-Theorem: Dimensionless Parameters.

3.3 Laminar Flow:

  • Laminar Flow: Between Parallel, Stationary and Moving Plates, Flow Through Tube.

3.4 Boundary Layer:

  • Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers: On a Flat Plate, Laminar Sub-layer, Smooth and Rough Boundaries, Drag and Lift.
  • Turbulent Flow Through Pipes: Characteristics of Turbulent Flow, Velocity Distribution, Variation of Pipe Friction Factor, Hydraulic Grade Line, Total Energy Line.

3.5 Open Channel Flow:

  • Uniform and Non-Uniform Flows: Momentum and Energy Correction Factors, Specific Energy and Specific Force, Critical Depth, Rapidly Varied Flow, Hydraulic Jump, Gradually Varied Flow.
  • Classification of Surface Profiles: Control Section, Step Method of Integration of Varied Flow Equation.

3.6 Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower:

  • Hydraulic Turbines: Types, Classification, Choice of Turbines, Performance Parameters, Controls, Characteristics, Specific Speed.
  • Principles of Hydropower Development.

4. Geotechnical Engineering

  • Soil Type and Structure: Gradation and Particle Size Distribution, Consistency Limits.
  • Water in Soil: Capillary and Structural, Effective Stress, Pore Water Pressure, Permeability Concept, Field and Laboratory Determination of Permeability, Seepage Pressure, Quick Sand Conditions.
  • Shear Strength Determination: Mohr-Coulomb Concept.
  • Compaction of Soil: Laboratory and Field Tests.
  • Compressibility and Consolidation: Concept, Consolidation Theory, Consolidation Settlement Analysis.
  • Earth Pressure Theory: Analysis for Retaining Walls, Application for Sheet Piles and Braced Excavation.
  • Bearing Capacity of Soil: Approaches for Analysis, Field Tests, Settlement Analysis, Stability of Slopes.
  • Subsurface Exploration of Soils: Methods.


  • Types and Selection Criteria: Design Criteria for Foundations.
  • Analysis of Distribution of Stress for Footings and Piles: Pile Group Action, Pile Load Test.
  • Ground Improvement Techniques.

Paper II

1. Construction Technology, Equipment, Planning, and Management

1.1 Construction Technology

Engineering Materials:

  • Physical properties of construction materials with respect to their use in construction.
  • Stones, bricks, and tiles; lime, cement, different types of mortars, and concrete.
  • Specific use of ferrocement, fibre-reinforced concrete, high-strength concrete, and timber.
  • Properties, defects, and common preservation treatments of timber.
  • Use and selection of materials for specific applications such as low-cost housing, mass housing, and high-rise buildings.


  • Principles of masonry using brick, stone, and blocks.
  • Construction detailing and strength characteristics.
  • Types of plastering, pointing, flooring, roofing, and other construction features.
  • Common repairs in buildings.
  • Functional planning principles for residential and specific-use buildings.
  • Building code provisions.
  • Principles of detailed and approximate estimating, specification writing, and rate analysis.
  • Principles of valuation of real property.
  • Machinery for earthwork, concreting, and their specific uses.
  • Factors affecting selection of equipment and operating costs.

1.2 Construction Planning and Management

  • Construction activities, schedules, and organization for the construction industry.
  • Quality assurance principles in construction.
  • Use of network analysis (CPM and PERT) for construction monitoring, cost optimization, and resource allocation.
  • Basic principles of economic analysis and methods.
  • Project profitability, basic principles of financial planning, and toll fixation criteria.

2. Surveying and Transportation Engineering

2.1 Surveying

  • Common methods and instruments for distance and angle measurement for civil engineering work.
  • Use in plane table, traverse survey, levelling, triangulation, contouring, and topographical mapping.
  • Basic principles of photogrammetry and remote sensing.

2.2 Railways Engineering

  • Permanent way components, types, and their functions.
  • Functions and design constituents of turnouts and crossings.
  • Necessity of geometric design of track.
  • Design of stations and yards.

2.3 Highway Engineering

  • Principles of highway alignments, classification, and geometrical design elements for roads.
  • Pavement structure for flexible and rigid pavements, design principles, and methodology.
  • Typical construction methods and materials standards for stabilized soil, WBM, bituminous works, and CC roads.
  • Surface and sub-surface drainage arrangements for roads and culvert structures.
  • Pavement distresses and strengthening by overlays.
  • Traffic surveys, their application in traffic planning, and typical design features for intersections, signal designs, and standard traffic signs and markings.

3. Hydrology, Water Resources, and Engineering

3.1 Hydrology

  • Hydrological cycle, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, overland flow, hydrograph, flood frequency analyses, flood routing through reservoirs, and channel flow routing (Muskingam method).

3.2 Ground Water Flow

  • Specific yield, storage coefficient, coefficient of permeability, confined and unconfined aquifers, aquifers, aquitards, and radial flow into a well under confined and unconfined conditions.

3.3 Water Resources Engineering

  • Ground and surface water resources, single and multipurpose projects, storage capacity of reservoirs, reservoir losses, and reservoir sedimentation.

3.4 Irrigation Engineering

  • Water requirements of crops: consumptive use, duty, and delta, irrigation methods, and their efficiencies.
  • Canal distribution systems, canal capacity, canal losses, alignment of canals, efficient section designs, lined canals, and regime theory.
  • Water logging, its causes, and control methods.
  • Canal structures: design of head regulators, canal falls, aqueducts, metering flumes, and canal outlets.
  • Diversion headwork: principles and design of weirs on permeable and impermeable foundations, Khosla’s theory, and energy dissipation.
  • Storage works: Types of dams, design, and principles of rigid gravity stability analysis.
  • Spillways: types and energy dissipation.
  • River training: objectives and methods of river training.

4. Environmental Engineering

4.1 Water Supply

  • Predicting demand for water, impurities in water, and their significance.
  • Physical, chemical, and bacteriological analysis, waterborne diseases, and standards for potable water.

4.2 Intake of Water

  • Water treatment: Principles of coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation.
  • Slow, rapid, pressure filters, chlorination, softening, removal of taste, odor, and salinity.

4.3 Sewerage Systems

  • Domestic and industrial wastes, sewerage systems, separate and combined systems, and flow through sewers.
  • Design of sewers.

4.4 Sewage Characterization

  • BOD, COD, solids, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, and TOC.
  • Standards for disposal in normal water courses and on land.

4.5 Sewage Treatment

  • Working principles, units, chambers, sedimentation tank, trickling filters, oxidation ponds, activated sludge process, septic tanks, disposal of sludge, and recycling of wastewater.

4.6 Solid Waste

  • Collection and disposal of solid waste in rural and urban contexts.
  • Management of long-term ill effects.

5. Environmental Pollution

  • Sustainable development, radioactive wastes and disposal, environmental impact assessment for thermal power plants, mines, river valley projects.
  • Air pollution and pollution control acts.
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