Easiest Optional Subject for UPSC Mains and Preparation


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UPSC is named as Union Public Service Commission. This commission conducts UPSC exams every year by providing the optional subjects for entering the exam. This article is linked with the easiest optional subject details. Many questions come to mind before the final selection of the subjects.

Those questions that come to mind before the final selection are:

  • What are the easiest optional subjects for the UPSC Exam?
  • Which subject makes your exam easier?
  • How to choose the subjects?

Several students register for the entrance exam, and there are several subjects available for preparation. The need is to work hard and prepare for the exam by taking optional subjects.

What are Easiest Optional Subjects?

Suppose you are searching for the selection of the easiest optional subjects. Then here you can get the idea for the optional subjects. Before understanding the easiest optional subject, remember that 500 marks out in 2025 are about 25 % of total marks. This 25 % is fully dependent on one subject you will select as an optional subject. If you have the option for an easy subject for getting 500 marks, then go for your interest. It will ensure you get good marks in your exams. The other subjects are somewhat complicated. But if you choose an optional subject, then the halfway point can be easy for you.

Decision factors for selection of UPSC subjects

Suppose you are thinking about the optional subjects and not getting any idea about how to do the selection. Here are some facts that will help you in your selection.

  • Deep interest in subjects
  • Understanding of the facts for selection
  • Excellent grip subject
  • Best Result in the related subject in the previous degree.
  • Easy to complete within time and can be covered in a shorter time.

But if you still have confusion after considering these factors, what to do then? The idea is to shortlist the main subjects of your choice. Shortlist the subjects that have the following features.

Shortlist the optional subjects

Follow the steps for shortlisting the subjects.

  • List of 4-5 optional subjects
  • Choose subjects of your choice
  • Subjects related to your graduation
  • Subject with resources available
  • Subjects whose deep analysis has been done

After shortlisting the subjects, how can you select one from them? How can you access the easy subjects? The point is very important while moving toward preparing for the UPSC exam. The optional subjects must be easy to handle and understandable for detailed study for the UPSC exam preparation.

What after shortlisting the subjects for UPSC exam?

The main emphasis of this study is related to the UPSC exam. The examination is concerned with the study of different subjects. The main subjects are somewhat complicated. The need is to understand those optional subjects that can help get good marks.

While finalizing the subjects, consider the following points.

  • Select 4-5 subjects and go through the syllabus of each subject. Learn and understand all the subject’s resources and mark one out of them.
  • Read the resources, learn the syllabus, and do all the past papers for each subject. It would give an easy completion.
  • Repeat the same process repeatedly; the selection will be easier for you.

After these steps, the selection of the subject would be easy. Going through the resources and the syllabus, again and again, the selection would be easier. Once you have selected the optional subject for study, the rest procedure will be easier.

Suggested Easiest Optional Subjects

There are different easiest optional subjects which are suggested by the toppers. They can be varied, and the choice still depends on you. For your understanding, such subjects are given below:

  • Public Administration
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Sociology
  • Geography

The above subjects are optional and can be studied with interest. If you are interested in them, then select the above ones after covering their syllabus. Deciding what to include and what to know is a difficult task. It all depends on the fields you are covering from the previous study. What resources must be added, and what should be a part of your preparation? This is an important and complex part for you. But if you have studied all the above points and clearly understand your interest, everything would be easy.

Preparation of Optional Subjects

Suppose you have selected the optional subjects and are still confused about their preparation. The need is to focus on the syllabus, look, and find the area best for you. If you have a grip on those areas of your interest, the preparation section would be easy. Go through the old syllabus and also the past papers. Select the past paper, do them again, and thoroughly analyse the subject. After the subject analysis, the next step of preparation will be easy.

If you are good at preparation, the appearance in the exam does not hold any dark image. Once you decide to select optional subjects, stay plunge into it and never regret its selection. The choice is yours, and all support for the choice is provided here with details. Check the details and proceed. Best of luck to you.


Suppose you are entering the UPSC examination and want to understand the optional subjects clearly, here you can get the idea linked with the selection of optional subjects. The point of selection is important for a candidate appearing in the UPSC examination. If you are one of them, the above article is worth reading. Get the idea and go with the flow.

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