Geography Optional Syllabus
Paper I (Principles of Geography)
Physical Geography
- Factors controlling landform development
- Endogenetic and exogenetic forces
- Origin and evolution of the Earth’s crusts
- Fundamentals of geomagnetism
- Physical conditions of the Earth’s interior
- Geosynclines
- Continental drift
- Isostasy
- Plate tectonics
- Recent views on mountain building
- Volcanicity
- Earthquakes and Tsunamis
- Concepts of geomorphic cycles and landscape development
- Denudation chronology
- Channel morphology
- Erosion surfaces
- Slope development
- Applied geomorphology
- Geomorphology, economic geology, and environment
- Temperature and pressure belts of the world
- Heat budget of the Earth
- Atmospheric circulation
- Atmospheric stability and instability
- Planetary and local winds
- Monsoons and jet streams
- Air masses and fronts
- Temperate and tropical cyclones
- Types and distribution of precipitation
- Weather and climate
- Koppen’s, Thornthwaite’s, and Trewar Tha’s classification of world climate
- Hydrological cycle
- Global climatic change, and role and response of man in climatic changes
- Applied climatology and urban climate
- Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans
- Temperature and salinity of the oceans
- Heat and salt budgets
- Ocean deposits
- Waves, currents, and tides
- Marine resources: biotic, mineral, and energy resources
- Coral reefs and coral bleaching
- Sea-level changes
- Law of the sea and marine pollution
- Genesis of soils
- Classification and distribution of soils
- Soil profile
- Soil erosion, degradation, and conservation
- Factors influencing world distribution of plants and animals
- Problems of deforestation and conservation measures
- Social forestry and agro-forestry
- Wildlife
- Major gene pool centres
Environmental Geography
- Principle ecology
- Human ecological adaptations
- Influence of man on ecology and environment
- Global and regional ecological changes and imbalances
- Ecosystem management and conservation
- Environmental degradation, management, and conservation
- Biodiversity and sustainable development
- Environmental policy
- Environmental hazards and remedial measures
- Environmental education and legislation
Human Geography
Perspectives in Human Geography
- Areal differentiation
- Regional synthesis
- Dichotomy and dualism
- Environmentalism
- Quantitative revolution and locational analysis
- Radical, behavioural, human, and welfare approaches
- Languages, religions, and secularization
- Cultural regions of the world
- Human development index
Economic Geography
- World economic development: measurement and problems
- World resources and their distribution
- Energy crisis
- The limits to growth
- World agriculture: typology of agricultural regions
- Agricultural inputs and productivity
- Food and nutrition problems
- Food security
- Famine: causes, effects, and remedies
- World industries: location patterns and problems
- Patterns of world trade
Population and Settlement Geography
- Growth and distribution of world population
- Demographic attributes
- Causes and consequences of migration
- Concepts of over-under-and optimum population
- Population theories, world population problems and policies
- Social well-being and quality of life
- Population as social capital
- Types and patterns of rural settlements
- Environmental issues in rural settlements
- Hierarchy of urban settlements
- Urban morphology
- Concept of primate city and rank-size rule
- Functional classification of towns
- Sphere of urban influence
- Rural-urban fringe
- Satellite towns
- Problems and remedies of urbanization
- Sustainable development of cities
Regional Planning
- Concept of a region
- Types of regions and methods of regionalization
- Growth centres and growth poles
- Regional imbalances
- Regional development strategies
- Environmental issues in regional planning
- Planning for sustainable development
Models, Theories, and Laws in Human Geography
- System analysis in Human geography
- Malthusian, Marxian, and demographic transition models
- Central Place theories of Christaller and Losch
- Perroux and Boudeville
- Von Thunen’s model of agricultural location
- Weber’s model of industrial location
- Ostov’s model of stages of growth
- Heartland and Rimland theories
- Laws of international boundaries and frontiers
Paper II (Geography of India)
1. Physical Setting
- Location: India’s position relative to neighbouring countries.
- Relief and Structure: Features like mountains, plains, and plateaus.
- Drainage System: Major rivers and watersheds in India.
- Physiographic Regions: Different geographical zones in India.
- Monsoons and Rainfall: Mechanism behind India’s monsoon rains and seasonal variations.
- Cyclones and Disturbances: Tropical cyclones and western disturbances affecting the climate.
- Floods and Droughts: Causes and impacts of these natural disasters.
- Climatic Regions: Different climate zones in India.
- Natural Vegetation: Types of forests and their distribution across India.
- Soil Types: Various soil types found across India.
2. Resources
- Land and Water: Surface water, groundwater, and land resources.
- Energy and Minerals: India’s energy and mineral resources.
- Biotic Resources: Forests and wildlife, their conservation, and challenges.
- Marine Resources: Ocean resources and conservation.
- Energy Crisis: The growing problem of energy scarcity in India.
3. Agriculture
- Infrastructure: Irrigation systems, fertilizers, seeds, and power in agriculture.
- Institutional Factors: Land reforms, land tenure, and land holdings.
- Cropping Patterns: Types of crops grown, agricultural productivity, and intensity.
- Agro and Social Forestry: Farming with forest products and the Green Revolution.
- Dry Farming: Importance of agriculture in dry areas.
- Livestock Resources: Role of livestock in agriculture, including the white revolution.
- Aquaculture and Sericulture: Fish farming and silk production.
- Agro-climatic Zones: Different agricultural regions based on climate and ecology.
4. Industry
- Industrial Evolution: Growth of industries in India.
- Locational Factors: Where industries are located, including cotton, jute, steel, and pharmaceuticals.
- Industrial Houses and Public Sector: Big industrial houses and government industries.
- Industrial Regionalisation: Concentration of industries in certain regions.
- New Industrial Policy: Policies shaping industrial growth, including liberalization.
- Multinationals and SEZs: Foreign companies and special economic zones in India.
- Tourism and Eco-tourism: Growth of tourism, including nature-based tourism.
5. Transport, Communication, and Trade
- Transport Networks: Role of roads, railways, waterways, airways, and pipelines.
- Ports and Trade: Importance of ports for foreign and national trade.
- Trade Policy: India’s trade balance and policies.
- Communication Developments: Growth of information technology and space programs.
- Export Processing Zones: Areas set up for export-focused industries.
6. Cultural Setting
- Historical Perspective: History of Indian society and its cultural diversity.
- Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity: Varied languages, races, and ethnic groups.
- Religious Minorities: Issues related to religious groups and cultural coexistence.
- Tribes and Tribal Problems: Issues faced by tribes in India.
- Population Indicators: Growth, density, literacy, age structure, and migration patterns.
- Health Indicators: Issues like health, longevity, and dependency ratio.
7. Settlements
- Rural Settlements: Types, patterns, and issues related to rural settlements.
- Urban Settlements: Urbanization, city types, morphology, and planning.
- Slums and Urban Sprawl: Growth of slums and uncontrolled urban expansion.
- Urbanization Problems: Issues faced due to rapid urbanization and remedies.
8. Regional Development and Planning
- Regional Planning: Approaches to regional development in India.
- Five-Year Plans: Importance of India’s planning strategy.
- Rural Development: Programs for rural development like Panchayati Raj and watershed management.
- Planning for Special Areas: Development for desart, hilly, and tribal areas.
9. Political Aspects
- Federalism and State Reorganization: Geographical and political basis for India’s federal system.
- Emerging States: Issues related to new states and regional consciousness.
- International Boundaries: India’s boundary issues with neighbours.
- Cross-border Terrorism: Security concerns related to terrorism.
- India’s Role in World Affairs: India’s position in global politics, especially South Asia and the Indian Ocean region.
10. Contemporary Issues
- Ecological Issues: Natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and landslides.
- Environmental Hazards: Issues like pollution, deforestation, desertification, and soil erosion.
- Globalization: Impact of globalization on India’s economy and society.
- Environmental Impact Assessment: Techniques to assess environmental damage and solutions.
- Sustainable Development: Focus on sustainable growth and development.
- Agrarian Issues: Problems related to agriculture and industrial unrest.
NOTE : Candidates will be required to answer one compulsory map question pertinent to subjects
covered by this paper.