You will have to agree that UPSC exam preparation is intense. Generally, aspirants take one whole year to complete the preparation. The last week is an extremely important period of time. What are you supposed to do in the last week prior to the exam? You will undergo too many emotions at the same time. Sometimes you feel nervous and fearful about the exam. Some other times you feel good that at least the first phase of the exam will get over shortly.
This blog post is for those who are confused about how to spend the final week before prelims. Get to know the list of do’s and don’ts below.
Study Only What is Required
Study only the specific topics on which you wish to put more focus. Do not prepare only your favourite subjects or the topics which you find easy. You already know well and seem to be perfect in those topics. Now, you need to work on weak subject areas. Build confidence in the same. Repeat and revise them on a consistent basis. Keep the notes you made in hand. Study from the same as it helps in good revision.
Analyse What You Must Ignore
Never make a mistake of studying something new. It is highly not recommended. Trust me! It is too late to start with a new topic. Also, it can degrade your preparation quality and introduce negative energy. Do not study anything related to current affairs in the last week before IAS prelims.
Take Good Care Of Your Health
If you own good health, you can perform well in the exam. So, it is the most important thing to be followed by every IAS aspirant. Exam tension will be at its peak. I do agree! But do not forget to exercise. Be safe and do not get injured at any cost. Are you taking healthy food? Take care not to fall ill. It demotivates you very badly. In turn, you will start worrying about whether to attend the exam or not. Don’t give it a chance. Bad health condition takes away your attention and energy.
Maintain Right Attitude and Mindset
Yes! It is possible to lose your calm mind at the end. But do not panic about the nearing of the UPSC prelims exam. We totally agree that it is a normal reaction from aspirant’s perspective. But ensure that you are not out of control. Do meditation for minimum 10 minutes every day. Always be in a relaxed mood and think positively. Eliminate all the negative thoughts from your mind. Even if you had prepared the best, negative energy could pull you down badly.
You must beat the stress. Of course, you can have a healthy stress level. It helps you to keep the alertness required in the last week. It is a natural feeling. But find a feeling of inner peace and just rock your last week preparation.
Give Maximum Time for Revision
Revision is the process of studying the already learnt topics. It improves your memory and recalling power. Candidates can answer all the questions with ease. It is a way to improve upon things and perfectly organize all the information. Students also write a well-structured answer due to a good revision. Devote the maximum time of last week to revision only. You can revise by reading the topics again and again. Also, you can revise by solving mock tests and previous year question papers.
Utilize all the revision techniques. So that you will not get bored! Get Used to the UPSC Exam Pattern. Practice! Practice! Practice! When you practice the question papers regularly, candidates get the perfect idea about the prelims exam pattern.
Solve Maximum MCQs
You must be already aware of the fact that prelims is filled with MCQs. So, you need extensive practice. What can you do? Fix a target! Solve at least 100 MCQs every day. Learn how to eliminate wrong options and finally arrive at the correct option. There are many tricks you can learn. How to attempt already known questions? How to attempt strange questions? How to make an accurate smart guess? You will get answers to all these questions when you practice a lot of MCQs. In the end, it is possible to discover the sweet spot.
Things To Do On The Day Of Exam
As already said, please stay calm and composed. It is the primary requirement. Ignore all the words from your surroundings. It can be from your fellow mates. Just be confident about your preparation. Get a good sleep on the previous night. Eat properly (not too much) before reaching the exam location. Attend the exam in the same way you planned.
Never experiment with the new strategy in the exam hall. It happens when you listen to your friends. Just implement what you practiced during the preparation. If you follow all these tips, you can successfully complete the IAS prelims phase. Also, start preparing for the mains exam phase. You just need not wait for the prelims results. You will be that confident!
You will have a good amount of time during the exam. You just have to plan well. Read every question twice, understand properly and then make an attempt. It is okay if you are not aware of any question in between. Stay calm. Other students also feel the same. Even they might find it new and difficult. Ultimately, it is a relative ranking. Guess intelligently and hope for the best. You would have already practiced this technique during revision.
If possible, stop studying post lunch on the previous day before the exam. Instead of studying and getting tension deep into the nerves, have a conversation with family and friends. It helps you to get into a relaxed mood. Finally, go to bed soon. It helps you to retrieve from the stress. Get off your mind away from exam pressure. Last but not least, have 100 percent trust in your preparation. Go into the exam hall and make an attempt with a bold attitude. You just need qualifying marks to get into mains exam phase.